Ne kemi vetëm atë që jepni...

Jetoni si qenie njerëzore

Mënyra e duhur për të jetuar si qenie njerëzore, Thjesht ndihmoni ata njerëz që kanë vërtet nevojë për ndihmën tuaj.

Bëhuni vullnetar

Bëhuni vullnetar

Indignation and dislike mens all
beguiled demoralized.

Shelter for Homeless

Shelter for Homeless

Indignation and dislike mens all
beguiled demoralized.

Make World Happier

Make World Happier

Indignation and dislike mens all
beguiled demoralized.

Give Helthy Life

Give Helthy Life

Indignation and dislike mens all
beguiled demoralized.

You have the power to bring happiness.

Expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the masterr of human happiness.

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The right way to live as a human being, Just help to those people really need your help.

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